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More than a Place.

Our cafe is more than a place — it’s a feeling. An ambiance that fosters aspiration, whether you’re here to brainstorm your next big idea or to relax and recharge.

our MENU

Taste Grandma’s refreshments.

Hand-crafted local refreshments inspired by Grandma’s timeless recipes. Each sip and bite is a moment to remember.


Imagine the sound of a ball of ice, splitting as locally sourced coffee is poured into a whiskey glass.


Grandma celebrates tea with character, each packing colour & a wealth of health benefits. We select fresh ingredients for a refreshing infusion, served over ice or hot.


Feeling hungry? With 100% plant based love & care put into our baking… Grandma’s homemade brownie will leave you wanting more. Replacing sugar with fresh Thai dates, it delivers on the sweetness.

Psst we also have a great collection of local, organic, strains. Make sure you come check them out.

Check them out

Take a
look inside

Scan the QR Code and enjoy our Cafe in VR.

Hidden in the
Phuket mountains
